sexually abused 意味

発音を聞く:   sexually abusedの例文
  • 《be ~》性的{せいてき}虐待{ぎゃくたい}[暴力{ぼうりょく}]を受ける


  1. are you saying she was really sexually abused ?
    性的虐待が ホントにあったと?
  2. so we've studied sexually abused women
  3. or were you just guessing about ennis being sexually abused ?
    それとも アニスの受けた性的虐待は ただの君の推測か?
  4. the data drawn on a pc was stolen in a trace attack ! it's plagiarism and even from his parents . rumor has it that his parents sexually abused him , but the behavior of running away on the pretext of that is disgusting .


        sexually abused children:    
        sexually-abused as a child:    《be ~》子どものころ、性的虐待{せいてき ぎゃくたい}を受ける
        sexually-abused children:    性的虐待{せいてき ぎゃくたい}を受けた子どもたち
        abused:    {形} : 虐待{ぎゃくたい}された
        sexually:    {副} : 性別{せいべつ}[男女{だんじょ}の別]によって
        abused as a child:    《be ~》幼児期{ようじき}に虐待{ぎゃくたい}を受ける
        abused child:    被虐待児
        abused victim:    虐待{ぎゃくたい}された被害者{ひがいしゃ}
        abused wife:    虐待{ぎゃくたい}される妻
        abused woman:    虐待{ぎゃくたい}を受ける女性{じょせい}
        abused worker:    酷使{こくし}された労働者{ろうどうしゃ}
        psychologically abused:    《be ~》精神的虐待{せいしんてき ぎゃくたい}を受ける
        abused physically and mentally:    《be ~》身体的{しんたいてき}?精神的{せいしんてき}な虐待{ぎゃくたい}にさらされる
        best abused book:    一番悪評の高かった本
        have no memories of being abused:    虐待{ぎゃくたい}された記憶{きおく}がない


  1. "sexualization" 意味
  2. "sexualization of society" 意味
  3. "sexualize" 意味
  4. "sexually" 意味
  5. "sexually abuse" 意味
  6. "sexually abused children" 意味
  7. "sexually active" 意味
  8. "sexually active adults" 意味
  9. "sexually active girl" 意味
  10. "sexually" 意味
  11. "sexually abuse" 意味
  12. "sexually abused children" 意味
  13. "sexually active" 意味

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